Saturday, November 07, 2009

Racoon and Roots

Well I ran 25k this morning. The mileage wasn't what was hard, but tripping on all the roots has taken a toll on my knees. I have never in my life had issues with my knees and tonight I feel like a 100 year old woman. With one mile left in the race I actually had to walk some because my knee hurt so bad. But me being who I am couldn't finish like that so I put a smile on my face and took the pain. In my mind I am thinking: I'm not a quitter , Suck it up. It is only a mile more. But at one time I actually thought I was going to cry. But I didn't.

Maybe the knee pain is from all the stumbles that I had on the coarse. It was about 10. I never fell though. Enough about the bad though. I will say I loved running on the trail. It was so peaceful and felt that I enjoyed it most when I had no one around me. And I do love to run down hill, unfortunately you must go back up though. Still was nice. At the end of the race we receive a nice black plaque. I according to watch I finished in 2:42. I thought that was pretty good.

Now to Bill. He has put me to shame. He ran the 50K!!! So my race is a kiddie run compared to his. As everyone kept saying :did you run the " Little Race". And I'm thinking when did running 15miles become a little race. Well I guess compared to 30 miles it is. I am so proud of him. I can't tell him too much cause it will drive him crazy, but this is my blog so I can cheer for him over and over. I was so excited just watching him line up for the race. I was thinking to myself : hey that is my fiance and he is running a 50k. How awesome is that!! The whole time I was running and enjoying the trail I wanted to be running with him. He has made me want to try and run a 50k. It may be awhile but I will get there. He will never know how much he inspires me. He has so much drive and never gives up. He is my rock. And I am the luckiest person in the world.